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I have no Greater Grace than this, when I hear that my sons are working in the truth.

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Tuesday 26 February 2019

First Saturday Marian Devotion

First Saturday Marian Devotion 
Let us be reminded that Saturday, 2nd of March 2019,is another first Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Requirements to receive graces are;

  • Confession
  • Reception of Holy Communion
  • spending at least 15 minutes before the Blessed Sacrament
  • Meditation and atleast 5 Decades

    When Sister Lúcia experienced the Pontevedra apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, she heard her promise to grant great graces, especially at the hour of death, in particular the salvation of the soul, for the believer who for Five Consecutive First Saturdays of Month (5 Saturdays in 5 months) receives Holy Communion and practices the following exercises as an Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven:
    • Sacramental confession
    The confession can take place within eight days before or even after the Holy Communion is received, but the Holy Communion shall be received with dignity, in a state of Grace, keeping in mind that Jesus is physically present in the Eucharist (Transubstantiation). The Intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be kept to oneself; it is not necessary to notify the confessorpriest.
    • To receive Holy Communion
    The Holy Communion has to be received within the 24 hours of the first Saturday of the Month. Attendance to Holy Mass is optional. Receiving Holy Communion as part of this devotion must be consciously intended as an Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart. The devotee need not tell anyone else, but keep it in mind. To avoid omitting the Intention every Saturday, the General Intention for the devotion of the Act of Reparation can be mentally or outspokenly stated before starting the First Saturdays (or in between).
    If a person has a valid reason not to attend Mass (Masses not available on Saturdays, difficult mobilization, other major event), the devotee may consult a priest about receiving Communion privately or on another day with the intention of making this Communion as part of the devotion.
    • A 5-Decade Rosary is recited
    The Rosary must also be recited with the intention of making reparation.
    A 15-Minute Meditation is made on the Mysteries of the Rosary
    This Meditation should also be done in an Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Rosary Meditations can be recited on all 15 of the mysteries or fewer but must last for 15 minutes. This meditation is in addition (i.e. separated) to the recitation of the Rosary. It can be prayed alone or in a group and with or without the aid of sacred scripture.
    The activities of the Five First Saturdays devotions are different from similar devotions on other days in that all should be done with the specific intention in the heart of making reparation to the Blessed Mother for blasphemies against her, her name and her holy initiatives.


    The Graces Necessary for Salvation
    To those who practice the devotion of the First Saturdays in reparation, Our Lady promises her assistance at the hour of death "with the graces necessary for salvation" -- she does not promise them eternal salvation itself, but the heavenly graces necessary for salvation. It is not exactly the same thing, for such a promise would not be consistent with authentic Christian teaching. The lure of presumptuous devotion to Our Lady has deceived many, but a presumptuous devotion is a false devotion. But as to that which the Blessed Virgin does promise -- is not the special assistance of Our Lady's grace a good reason for firm hope and trust that we shall, in the solemn hour upon which our eternity depends, have responded to the call of grace, and will die with sentiments of true contrition for our sins?

    We read in the lives of those especially devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that they frequently experience at that time an awareness from Heaven that the hour of their parting is near. It is not precisely an announcement of death, but a new and gentle preoccupation with a more frequent and worthy reception of the Sacraments, with a greater purity of intention in all one's actions, and an intensification of one's charity and dedication to the apostolate of Our Lady. The Immaculate Heart of Mary kindly goes about perfecting the souls of her children for their decisive encounter with our Divine Savior.

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