SsppBaruwa - Saints Peter and Paul Baruwa Official Website

St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church,Peace Estate, Baruwa, Ipaja, Lagos.


St. Peter and Paul: One Faith - One Heart - One Church - Feast: Friday, 29th of June


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Memory verse for the week: 3 John 1:4

I have no Greater Grace than this, when I hear that my sons are working in the truth.

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Saturday 23 February 2019

Ash wednesday and Lent

Ash Wednesday and Lent: The Season of Lent begins next month on the 6th of March, being Ash Wednesday. The season of lent is a period to set aside to spiritually prepare for the celebration of Easter. During Lent, we are called to embrace a life of prayer and penance for our sins and those of the whole world, while adhering to practices of prayer, fasting and charity.

We also remind us that Ash Wednesday is a day of Abstinence and Fasting, which means detaching ourselves from pleasure of the flesh, amn restricting ourselves to just a full meal a day for those between 18 and 69 years of age. The aim is to cut off from sin which the body likes and turn our spirit to holy virtues.
Hence, for the ashes to be used on Ash Wednesday , we humbly urge us to return the palm branches used for last year;s Palm sSunday. Drop them in the basket provided at the church's main entrance. The Ashes reminds us that we are dust, made into a living entity by the breath of God: it also calls us to repentance. Buy your stations of the cross booklet too.

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