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Thursday 18 April 2019


Reception of the Holy Oils (Oil of Cathecumen, Oil of the Sick, Oil of Chrism) by The Officiating Priest, Rev. Fr. Theodore Martinos

Parish Priest of SS Peter and Paul, Rev. Fr. Theodore Martinos and Associate Priest, Rev Fr Mattew Attah Been Incenced by the Mass Server as they Celebrate their Anniversary of Priesthood today!

Rev. Fr Martinos during Consecration

Reflection for the Holy Thursday by Rev. Fr. Matthew Attah

With the Mass of the Last supper, we have began the Sacred Tridum which would commemorate the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus which will culminate in his eventual Resurrection!

The First Reading of  Today(Exodus 4) Lays the foundation for how the Israelites Celebrated the Passover. Its Basically a remembrance of the deliverance of the Israelites from the Land of Slavery to the Promise Land.
The Second Reading on the other hand gives an account of the New Convenant, the institution of the Eucharist, a re- enactment of what took place many years ago.

Today we Celebrate the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Order(Priesthood).
The two Sacraments are interwoven as one cannot do without the Other...they are also according the commandment of Jesus, Do this in Memory of Me(Luke 22:19)

While Reflecting on the Priesthood, Four (4) things ran through my mind:
- It's a Gift and Not a Price - We are worthy!
-The Priesthood is a Vocation and NOT a profession - Vocation from the Latin word, 'Vocare' meaning 'a way of Life'
- The  Priesthood is a Journey to Spiritual Perfection and NOT a destination
-The Priest is a Missionary and NOT a Mecinery - The Hallmark of Priesthood is Service! Priests are Called to serve!

The Eucharist is the Body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It has Some Qualities:
- Its a Commemorative Meal, this is because it's celebrated by the body of Christ - The Church
- A Christ-Filled Meal - The Real Presence of Christ
- Source of Our Christian Faith:
The 2nd Vatican Council describes it as the 'Entire Spiritual Wealth of the Church'

Again Today, Christ gave us a new Commandment -Love one Another as I've Loved you!
In the Old testament, (Lev. 19:18) Says, Love your neighbor has yourself, The Yardstick then Was how you love yourself but today Christ gives a new yardstick -The Love he has for us, a Love that's not Self Centered, That's Sacrificial.
Is Our Love Measuring Up to the Love of Christ❔

Finally, Today Jesus Did something Very Uncommon - He washes the feet of his disciples, in the Jewish Society, Every home has a slave that washes the feet if Visitors. Jesus washing the disciples feet is a Call to service and an Example of His Humility.
Spiritually, it's an invitation for us to bring our soul to be washed by Our Lord.

Let Us Present Ourselves, Especially Tomorrow, to Jesus, so that we'll all assume the suffering of Christ and share the Sadific Reward.

May God bless and Keep Us✝

Happy Anniversary! Rev Fr Martinos and Rev. Fr. Mattew Attah!

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